Ágota Kiss

Social Media and Content Director, ACG

When? Where?
Thursday, 26 September 2024 09:55 VISION STAGE

Although she began her career at the Edelman office in New York, working with major brands like Heineken and Chevron, she continued her work in Hungary with the social team at Telekom, where she was part of several award-winning campaigns. Remaining in the field of communications, she worked at the Hungarian Tourism Agency and was also responsible for the social communication of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Bid. How might good communication help sports achievements leave a lasting impression on younger generations? She will help find the answer to this question at this year's Brain Bar festival.

If you’d like to meet her at the festival and ask your most burning questions, grab your ticket, or if you’re a student or a teacher, sign up for a free pass.

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