Bence Zwecker

Co-Founder and CEO of Munch

When? Where?
Friday, 27 September 2024 10:05 VISION STAGE

The founder of Munch, known from Shark Tank and the cover of Forbes, along with his partners, created the platform fighting against food waste in 2020. Through this platform, restaurants and food chains sell packages of high-quality food that would otherwise go to waste due to their imminent expiration. Today, they have reached 2.5 million saved packages, or "munches," and after expanding to Slovakia and the Czech Republic, they launched their service in Romania this March. As the leader of one of the most well-known Hungarian startups, he is passionate about sustainability and people-centered team management. He works daily to create a work environment that is truly motivating for talented young people. His goal is to have his business make a transformative impact and raise awareness of the importance of sustainable practices.

If you’d like to meet him at the festival and ask your most burning questions, grab your ticket, or if you’re a student or a teacher, sign up for a free pass.

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