Mind over matter
We know it is more difficult now than ever to stay strong in spirit. Climate change, the wars raging around us, the economic crisis and the incredibly rapid technological changes are not sparing either our so-far solid principles or our psyche. If we just look around, we see that there is almost no one around us that doesn’t feel lost, and more people than ever are lonely, anxious, or downright depressed.
Brain Bar's mission is to show you that even in the case of such enormous internal battles, our 2023 motto, “Mind over matter” is true. This year, we'd like to guide you on the path of gaining inner strength in a world that seems to be falling apart.
Although the focus of the 2023 festival will be on mental well-being, similarly to previous years, we will divide our programs into five key subjects. We hope that this will help you to consciously interpret both the festival program and yourself.