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DAY 1 2022.09.29.

Without giving up on a sustainable life
Why you should never give up
One on One on the future of feminism
Tovább az eseményhez
Így cselezd ki a netes csalókat
Kinek használ az eldobható jövő?
TikTok & Vice weigh on the biggest media challenges
A corporate view of climate change and why the excuses should stop
Truths and myths - straight from the source
How can we achieve lasting growth?
And we'll tell you why it was never a good idea
Tovább az eseményhez
VÁKUMCSOMAGOLT VÁLASZOK HELYETT - NONKONFORM Könyvbemutató || WHAT WORLD AWAITS FOR GEN Z? - Finding originality in the age of complexity
Tovább az eseményhez
DAY 2 2022.09.30.
Let's rediscover the joy of imagination and play
Brands of the (meta)future?
Co-creating with generative systems
Behind the latest travel rush, the cancelled flights and why we can never go back
A világ legnagyobb önellentmondása?
...and how can you spot other tech hype bubbles that make no sense
Kapcsolatok, példaképek és csoportnyomás
Így közlekedünk majd a jövőben
The fundamental change that is already happening in your body
The essence of security and your role in it
How living with purpose breeds purposeful designs