CATALYST STAGE 26/09/2024 15:40 to 16:10


Meet the people who make a living by working with the dead
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Why do almost all of us fear death? Could we ever be desensitized to it - and if so, at what price? How are people who see it and deal with it every day different from us?

A writer for Wired and The Guardian and a host for BBC, in recent years, Hayley Campbell has delved into the subject that has fascinated her since childhood: the end of life. She has interviewed embalmers, detectives, and even executioners while exploring whether the proximity of death changes a person, and how "outsourcing" it to these professionals impacts us, everyday people. Building on her research, she recently authored the book "All the Living and the Dead."

Listen to her at Brain Bar as she sheds light on the hidden truths about death and the industry around it

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