Caitlin Begg

Sociologist, Founder of Authentic Social

When? Where?
Thursday, 26 September 2024 09:20 VISION STAGE

What would your relationships be like if social media didn't exist? You may not even be able to imagine the answer, especially if you haven't finished college yet - but New York-based sociologist Caitlin Begg is an expert on this topic. She seeks to understand how our families, work, or even dating lives are influenced by today’s hyperconnectivity. In her podcast "Progression to Analog," Caitlin explores how we could live a more digitally balanced life and have more human everyday experiences. She also founded the initiative "Authentic Social," which helps organizations like IBM, Harvard, and Cisco create happier environments for colleagues in today's environment dominated by social media. 

If you’d like to meet her at the festival and ask your most burning questions, grab your ticket, or if you’re a student or a teacher, sign up for a free pass.

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