Anna Gabriella Deák

Healthcare Engineer

When? Where?
Thursday, 26 September 2024 14:00 TALENT HUB

How can we monitor our body's functions today and in the future? And why will it be useful for us to understand how we work? Anna Deák will tell you all about this at Brain Bar. She holds a BSc in Biomedical Engineering and an MSc in Clinical Laboratory Research, both from Debrecen. She has worked at CRL Hungary Ltd. in Budapest and was responsible for blood product manufacturing at the Hungarian Blood Supply Service (OVSz). Currently, she works at the Defense Innovation Research Institute, where she assists the engineering team in developing dual-use products and services in the field of biotechnology.

If you’d like to meet her at the festival and ask your most burning questions, grab your ticket, or if you’re a student or a teacher, sign up for a free pass.

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