Soma Hajnóczy

Two-Time World Champion Magician

When? Where?
Friday, 27 September 2024 10:00 BETONE DISCOVERY

A two-time world champion magician who has won nearly every international magic competition. He has captivated audiences in over 40 countries and was recently awarded the title of 'Magician of the Year' for his creativity. By combining the genres of illusion and humor, he has developed a unique style that has made him famous worldwide. Soma is the youngest magician who has served as a judge multiple times at the World Championship of Magic, often referred to as the 'Olympics of Magicians.' His videos have been viewed over 80 million times on YouTube and Facebook, and his performance on China Central Television's (CCTV) New Year Gala was watched by over 100 million people. Hungarian audiences may also know him from the Showder Klub

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