VISION STAGE 2024. 09. 27. 11:50—12:20


How do we click together 8 billion pieces to solve common problems?
  • EN

According to Tamás Dávid-Barrett, Oxford University's Hungarian behavioural scientist, humanity is in an existential crisis - and to overcome this, we must understand the tremendous changes the fabric of communities has undergone in recent decades. To put it simply, the end of family-centric societies has completely changed how humans are able to cooperate to achieve the most basic common goals.

Could this hinder our ability to stop the climate crisis? Why do those who already have plenty always crave more? What does the globe’s collapse have to do with gender behavioural norms?

Listen to the most surprising answers to humanity's greatest questions at Brain Bar from Tamás, a psychologist and biologist researching evolutionarily inherited behaviours.

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