Are the greatest battles decided in your head?

On 21-22 September 2023, we will again open the gates of our festival to think together with you about the challenges that await our world. With the help of the world’s greatest thinkers, Brain Bar examines the drastic social and environmental transformations that do not spare our so-far solid principles or our psyche. The consequences of our present actions will have the greatest impact on younger generations, so if you're a student or a teacher, you can now sign up for a free festival pass!
Generation Z is faced with the task of navigating an unprecedented amount of confusing and often contradictory information on a daily basis. To vanquish this challenge, they need reliable knowledge on the one hand, and mental strength on the other. Our festival helps them in both
said Brain Bar’s founder, Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy. Indeed, there are plenty of challenges that need to be addressed: in addition to climate change, Generation Z feels an increasing amount onf anxiety about the effects of wars and the looming economic crisis. All we need to do is look around to feel that something might have gone terribly wrong with us humans! There is hardly a person we know that’s not lonely, anxious or downright depressed. Mental well-being and strengthening our inner harmony will therefore be in the spotlight this September: we’ll surely touch on the connections between the human psyche and digitalization, as well as the future of our relationships.
We believe that the most important battles of our time are decided not only on the battlefield, but also in our minds and hearts. Ambition, talent and knowledge cannot be consumed by helplessness, and each and every one of us can take some kind of responsibility in fighting for our future. At Brain Bar, we’ll try to shed light on these opportunities and give you practical tools to shape both your own and our globe’s fate. On our well-known Talent Hub stage, HR experts, startuppers and coaches will help you acquire practical skills necessary for a successful professional and personal future, such as debate culture, time management or entrepreneurship.
For the second time in a row, Brain Bar is by Budapest's multi-award-winning House of Music Hungary. But who can help interpret the world's present and future this year? After the likes of previous Brain Bar speakers Malcolm Gladwell or Jordan Peterson, who could now answer our increasingly complex questions? Well, we must wait a couple of weeks for their identity to be revealed.
Free passes and early bird tickets are available on our website, and you can also keep up with us in our Facebook event!