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DAY 1 2022.09.29.

Without giving up on a sustainable life
Why you should never give up
One on One on the future of feminism
On the nature of fraud
Repair, replacement, throwing away and letting go
TikTok & Vice weigh on the biggest media challenges
A corporate view of climate change and why the excuses should stop
Truths and myths - straight from the source
How can we achieve lasting growth?
And we'll tell you why it was never a good idea
FORGET PRE-PACKAGED ANSWERS - NONKONFORM book launch WHAT WORLD AWAITS FOR GEN Z? - Finding originality in the age of complexity
Go to event
DAY 2 2022.09.30.
Let's rediscover the joy of imagination and play
Brands of the (meta)future?
Co-creating with generative systems
Behind the latest travel rush, the cancelled flights and why we can never go back
The world's biggest paradox?
...and how can you spot other tech hype bubbles that make no sense
Relationships, role models and peer pressure
Mix up your mobility
The fundamental change that is already happening in your body
The essence of security and your role in it
How living with purpose breeds purposeful designs