Meet our speakers
- Hayley Campbell Journalist, Author and Podcaster at the BBC
- Vilmos Csányi Pioneering Ethologist
- Kathryn Paige Harden Professor of Psychology
- Jash Dholani The Old Books Guy
- Benedict Beckeld Philosopher and Writer
- Baroness Susan Greenfield Neuroscientist and Author
- Thomas Fazi Geopolitical Provocateur
- László Mérő Mathematician-Psychologist
- Mary Harrington Author of ‘Feminism Against Progress’
- Ákos Takács Marketing Executive, Founder of M15 Project
- Eszter Kovács Mindfulness Community Leader, Founder of Mat on the Moon
- Bertalan Thuróczy Biomedical Engineer
- Boldizsár Horváth Founder, Farm2Fork
- Janka Sára Molnár Physicist and Science Communicator
- César Hidalgo AI Researcher, Author and Entrepreneur
- Donát Posta Co-Founder and CEO, scoutlabs
- Lilla Gerlinger Clinical Psychologist
- Endre Szűcs Managing Director,
- Margit Dalos Medical Doctor and Musician
- Ferenc Fulmer Master Beekeeper
- Gábor Dobos Head of the Prometheus Society
- Ágnes Kis-Tóth Astrophysicist
- Péter Ungár LMP's Floor Leader
- Gábor Domokos World-Famous Matemathician and Engineer
- Gabriella Ormós Sourdough Baker
- Lars Chittka Legendary Behavioral Ecologist
- Emese Takács Mushroom Leather Designer
- Gábor Tímár Geophysicist, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Márkó Linczényi Musician and Podcaster
- Judit Sándor Lawyer, Bioethicist, Professor at CEU
- Jeremy Tate Co-Founder and President, Classic Learning Test
- Omar Sayfo Middle East Researcher
- Annamária Wettstein Hungary's Junior Youth Delegate to the UN
- Lil Frakk Rapper and Talk Show Host
- Lili Érmezei Strategic Consultant
- Sid Moorthy Stand-Up Comedian, Co-Founder of Magic Mic Comedy
- Balázs Stumpf-Bíró Collapse Researcher
- Alexandra Tóth HR Branding and Learning Manager, Bosch
- Balázs Szabó Managing Director, Hold Asset Management
- Slomó Köves Chief Rabbi, Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation
- Widad Brimo Hungary's Senior Youth Delegate to the UN
- Iain Lindsay Diplomat, The UK’s Former Ambassador to Hungary
- Kata Stumpf Nonprofit Leader and Reporter
- Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy Founder, Brain Bar
- Gábor Várkonyi Automotive Market Specialist
- Luca Szabó-Szontágh Improv Artist and Coach
- Barna Turai Digital Content Creator, Podcast Host
- Gergely Kovács Mayor-Elect of the 12th District of Budapest
- Emese Balogh Drone Technology Expert
- Zoltán Pogátsa Economist
- Dominika Szabó Communications Expert
- Gusztáv Jakab Biologist and Nature Photographer
- Péter Kormányos Global Strategy Director for adidas at TBWA\Neboko
- Ildikó Rozsonits Award-Winning Pianist
- Zoltán Bolek President, Hungarian Islamic Community
- Zsuzsa Beke Head of PR and Government Relations, Gedeon Richter Plc.
- Zoltán Ceglédi Political Analyst
- Napfonat All-Female A Cappella Ensemble
- László Bernáth Philosopher
- Balázs Rózsa Director, BrainVisionCenter Research Center
- Gábor Vasárus Geographer
- Tamás Dávid-Barrett Behavioral Scientist, University of Oxford
- Anett Fodor Sports Event Manager
- Dénes Pécsi-Szabó Founder, Up Music Management
- Beáta Kónya Communications and Instagram Marketing Advisor, Pikrea
- Károly Mátrai Chief Executive Officer, MVM Group
- Veronika Jakab Head of Industry at Friss Hús Budapest
- Péter Lábody Vice President, Hungarian Intellectual Property Office
- András Koháry Director of Communications and PR, Groupama
- Art Kingdom Dance Community Dance School
- Lendvai Balázs Head of Pharmacology and Drug Safety Research, Richter
- Zsófia Beck Managing Director and Partner, BCG
- Gábor Orbán Chief Executive Officer, Gedeon Richter Plc.
- Balázs Székely Geophysicist, Remote Sensing Researcher
- Dr. Dóra Vesztergom Endocrinologist
- Rodrigo Ballester Ministerial Commissioner for the Internationalization of Higher Education and Research
- Budapest Breaking Professional Breakdance Team
- Éva Papp Host, Mindenségit! Podcast
- Bence Sipka Psychologist, Founder of LifeTech Balance
- Anita Kiss People Director, HEINEKEN
- Gergely Őrsi Mayor of the 2nd District of Budapest
- Péter Dergez Shoemaker
- Katalin Perényi Marketing Director, HEINEKEN
- Dr. Péter Turai Longevity Expert and Doctor
- Philip Nitschke Inventor of the Sarco Suicide Capsule
- Bernadett Dancsné Engler Head of Micro and Small Enterprises, OTP Bank
- Gábor Körösparti Sports Manager
- Anna Gabriella Deák Healthcare Engineer
- Zoltán Szécsi Three-Time Olympic Champion Water Polo Player, Goalkeeper
- Ádám Karakas Partner, BCG
- Teodóra Bodó Director of Communications and Government Relations, Bosch Group
- Ádám Kotsis Who Makes Work Work at BCG
- Techno Yoga Hungary's First Yoga Instructor and DJ Crew
- Liliana Śmiech Director General for International Affairs at Ludovika University of Public Service
- Márton Hangácsi Singer-Songwriter
- cserihanna Musician
- OTP Fáy Foundation The OTP Fáy Foundation Trainer Team
- Pogány Induló Hip-Hop Artist
- Anna Olasz Olympic Open Water Swimmer
- Tivadar Runtág Chief Operating Officer, MOHU
- Tamás Soproni Mayor of the 6th District of Budapest
- Irén Kántor Pediatrician
- Igor Tulchinsky Investor and Author, Founder of WorldQuant
- Lili Pénzes Student Business Operations Manager, Trenkwalder
- Rana Mohamed Ali Senior Executive, International Offices, Bahrain Economic Development Board
- Gergő Kovács XR/VR Researcher, Military Digital Innovation Specialist
- András Kenyeres Sports Mental Coach, Founder of Kenyeres Consulting
- Zsófia Koma Founder of Daken, Slow Furniture Interior Designer
- Bence Zwecker Co-Founder and CEO of Munch
- Sara Faisal Janahi Head of Awards and Competitions at Bahrain's Ministry of Youth Affairs
- Ádám Kun Three-Time BMX World Champion
- Zsófia Gács Pediatric Endocrinologist
- Soma Hajnóczy Two-Time World Champion Magician
- Noémi Orvos-Tóth Clinical Psychologist
- András Péter Kovács Host, KAPod Podcast
- DJ Gerysson Scratch and Effect DJ
- Orsolya Tapasztó Host, Ma Is Tanultam Valamit Podcast
- Róbert Varga Tóth Host, Mindenségit! Podcast
- Mirrorman Hungary Entertainers
- Tímea Legindi Economist, Communications Specialist
- Áron Takács Host, Tribün Podcast
- Ilona Orbók Investor, Managing Partner and Owner at BDO Hungary
- Endre Máriás Head of Daily Banking Relations, OTP Bank
- Gábor Gundel Takács TV Host, Sports Reporter
- Rozina Wossala Chef, Restaurateur and MVM Future Talks Ambassador
- Balázs Réthelyi Host, Tribün Podcast
- Dr. József Haller Neurobiologist, Director of the Drug Research Institute
- Orsolya Ludvig Marketing and Communications Director, Libri
- Tamás Trunk Sneaker Culture Influencer
- Jägermeister Brass Band Musicians
- David Ryan Polgar Tech Ethicist, Founder of All Tech is Human
- Ágota Kiss Social Media and Content Director, ACG
- András Gelencsér Rector of University of Pannonia
- Pál Honti Science and Technology Advisor
- Ádám Horváth VP of Downstream New and Sustainable Businesses, MOL Group
- Anna Juhász Hungary's Most Popular Farmer on TikTok
- Bent Dalager Head of Innovation and NewTech, KPMG Denmark
- Barnabás Réti Host, Egyszer Lent Podcast
- Anna Győző-Molnár Nutritional Educator
- Emmanuel Maggiori Hype-Busting Tech Insider
- János Ruff Mathematician, Inventor of Møbee
- Caitlin Begg Sociologist, Founder of Authentic Social
- János Kuripla Head of the Hungarian Public Administration Scholarship Program
- Vanda Schumacher Television Host
- Máté Gerhardt Communications Specialist
- Péter Rácz Head of Parking Systems Development, Bosch
- Réka Győri-Nádai Facilitator, Freelancing Creative
- Szilárd Pércsi Head of Innovation and Grant Office, Gedeon Richter Plc.
- Dr. Tamás Takács Andrologist
- Anna Mészáros Mathematics and Physical Education Teacher
- Szabolcs Balogh Managing Director, MVM Mobiliti
- Alexandra Köves Ecological Economist, University Professor, Research Center Director
- Zoltán Cséfalvay Head of MCC's Centre for Next Technological Futures
- László Böröcz Mayor-Elect of the 1st District of Budapest
- Katalin Bogyay Ambassador, President of the Hungarian United Nations Association
- János Frivaldszky Law Ethicist
- Dávid Goldmann Hungary's Most Popular Farmer on TikTok
- Balázs Fürjes Member of the International Olympic Committee
- László Radácsi University Lecturer, Researcher, Consultant
- Réka-Kata Regián Winner of the NTP Talentum Hungaricum Program
- József Balatoni Host, Ma Is Tanultam Valamit Podcast
- Béla Szabó Brand Communication Director, Telekom
- Imre Limpár Psychologist
- Dávid Vitézy Former Secretary of State for Transport in Hungary
- Endre Kadarkai TV and Radio Presenter, Reporter
- Krisztián Steigervald Generational Researcher
- István Maricza General Manager, WorldQuant Hungary
- László Krisán Managing Director, KAVOSZ
- Nitish Maini Chief Strategy Officer at WorldQuant
- Péter Pető Journalist, Editor-in-Chief of
- Péter Pozsár Architect, Co-Founder of Hello Wood
- Beni Bánki Poet, Slammer and Lyricist
- Ádám Szalai Former Captain Of The Hungarian National Football Team
- Richárd Kiss Medical Director, Medipredict
- Levente Balogh Founder and Owner of Szentkirályi Hungary
- Balázs Román Creative Producer
- Balázs Hankó Hungary's Minister of Culture and Innovation
- Richárd Hampuch Producer
- Chaos Chips Musician Duo
- Gáspár Horváth Producer, Songwriter and DJ
- Bálint Sarkadi Founder of Budapest Psychology
- Dániel Virág Awardee Of The NTP Start Ideathon Competition, Bolyai János High School Of Kecskemét
- Nóra Bunford Clinical Psychologist and Researcher
- Dénes Kemény Coach of the Three-Time Olimpic Champion Hungarian Water Polo Team
- Szabolcs Szilágyi Chief Executive Officer, BLOCK
- Réka Barabás Knowledge Servives Director, NIÜ
- Kamilló Matek Ethical Hacker, Head of KPMG Hungary's CyberLab
- Levente Horváth Director, Eurasia Center
- Alejandro Rios Galvan Director of the Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium at Khalifa University
- Zsolt Varga-Szilágyi Music Marketing Specialist, Partner at Post For Rent
- Bence Bocsák Sports Journalist
- Márton Ugrósdy Deputy State Secretary of the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office
- Students of the Talentum Hungaricum Program Quartet
- István F. Takács Psychologist and Coach at Mindset
- Vera Farkas Psychologist at Mindset
- Arthur Keleti Cybersecurity and AI Strategist
- Gábor Rédai The Host of the Itt És Akkor Podcast
- Yaro Patrice Foreign Policy Expert
- Gergely Nádori Teacher and Blogger
- Pocket Innovative High School Students
- Kira Karagits Agenda Manager, Brain Bar
- Balázs Bolemányi CTO, Holosapiens
- Csaba Kuttor Triathlon Coach
- Viki Lábas Lead Singer of Margaret Island
- David Engels Historian & Philosopher of History
- Péter Berényi Deputy CEO, National Sports Agency
- Mária Judit Molnár Director, Institute of Genomic Medicine and Rare Disorders, Semmelweis University
- Melinda Hal Head of Research, MCC Learning Institute
- Csenge Savanya Brain Bar's Student Ambassador
- Simon Szabó Host, KAPod Podcast